Standing in the wings at my university theatre and watching the play I produced, was the first time I fell in love with the world of art and performances. Over the next years, I graduated from university plays to programmes on national television, films on the big screen and shows on worldwide streaming platforms.
There’s always a story to tell and I am constantly on the lookout for it. While many excel in the creative aspect of storytelling, my expertise lies in the nuts and bolts of creativity.
Bringing an idea to life is not just a methodical process but a passion. Whether it is creating schedules, drafting budgets or wading though the sea of paperwork, there’s no place I would rather be than on a film set, embracing the chaos and the crazy!
I have worked both in India and the United States of America across various verticals of the entertainment industry and partnered with both local agencies as well as streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Today, I am experimenting, and collecting skills, with an equal interest in both - the idea and building the structure for it to be accomplished